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Ice Cream Song 🍨🍭 + More Children Songs & Kids Songs | Learn with ME ME BAND

Hi kids! We are ME ME BAND. Look! Delicious, colorful ice cream!
Ice Cream Song + More Children Songs & Kids Songs | Learn with ME ME BAND
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❤️ About this channel:
ME ME BAND is for kids aged 3 to 5 to entertain and explore. Our team of educators has created some of the most popular kids’ songs on YouTube to get up, dance and sing along with!
Let’s sing and dance to our music!
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I like ice cream!
Yeah! Yeah!
Make an ice cream!
Yeah! Yeah!
It’s so yummy yummy
It’s tasty for my tummy
Go! Go! Go!
Nom! Nom! Nom!

I like ice cream!
Yeah! Yeah!
Make an ice cream!
Yeah! Yeah!
It’s so yummy yummy
It’s tasty for my tummy
Go! Go! Go!
Nom! Nom! Nom!

I like ice cream!
Yeah! Yeah!
Make an ice cream!
Yeah! Yeah!
It’s so yummy yummy
It’s tasty for my tummy
Go! Go! Go!
Nom! Nom! Nom!

Go! Go! Go!
Nom! Nom! Nom!
Go! Go! Go!
🎵Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
00:00 The Ice Cream Song
Let’s learn colors and make rainbow ice cream together
01:41 Ice cream machine
This song introduces children to the process of making ice cream, stimulating their curiosity about how things work. It also encourages creativity and imagination by allowing them to envision their own magical ice cream machine.
03:05 Rainbow Juice Song
This song offers children a fun and catchy way to learn about the vibrant colors of the rainbow and the importance of eating a variety of colorful fruits for a healthy lifestyle. It also promotes creativity, as kids imagine concocting their own nutritious rainbow juice.
04:13 Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
This song encourages kids to explore their taste buds and understands that everyone can have different food preferences. It promotes open-mindedness towards trying new foods, as well as understanding and respect for others’ choices.
05:26 Zombie Itchy Itchy Song
“The Zombie Itchy Itchy Song is a fun and engaging song for children with an energetic melody and colorful lyrics. In this song, a zombie appears and encourages kids and listeners to join in on a joyful adventure.
07:33 Pink and Black Challenge
Through the ‘Pink and Black Challenge’ song, children are introduced to the concepts of colors and contrast, fostering visual perception and creativity in a playful and engaging manner
08:48 Vegetables Song
The song encourages children to eat a lot of green vegetables

Producer – Thuy Anh
Idea – Thu Ha
Scriptwriter – Thu Ha
Storyboard – Minh Anh, Trung Anh
Actor – Truong Giang, Ngoc Diep, Van Dat,
Artist – Thu Hue
Thumbnail – Phuong Anh
Video Editor – Quyet Thang
Channel Manager – Mai Luc
Music composer – Hoai Phong, Minh Tien, Quoc Huy

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📌 Voca Voca Kids Songs & Nursery Ryhmes /
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